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Ah, how to get to the heart of anyone you meet.

WeaponProfSizeDamageCriticalType RangeMagROF
.38 revolverSSmall1d10x3P306S
ScumStopper ammo1d12x3P
9mm automatic pistolASmall2d6x3P5012S
ScumStopper ammo2d8x3P
9mm Skorpion machine pistolASmall2d6x3P2520B
ScumStopper ammo2d8x3P
.44 heavy pistolASmall2d6+1x3P506S
ScumStopper ammo3d6x3P
.50 heavy pistolASmall2d8x3P506S
ScumStopper ammo3d6+3x3P
12ga auto shotgunALarge2d619-20/x2P3020S,B
Birdshot ammo2d420/x2P
Solid ammo2d8x3P
ScumStopper ammo2d819-20/x2P
12ga pump action shotgunSLarge2d619-20/x2P3010S
Birdshot ammo2d420/x2P
Solid ammo2d8x3P
ScumStopper ammo2d819-20/x2P
12ga double-barrelled shotgunSLarge2d619-20/x2P302S
Birdshot ammo2d420/x2P
Solid ammo2d8x3P
ScumStopper ammo2d819-20/x2P
10 ga heavy shotgunSLarge2d819-20/x2P206S
Birdshot ammo2d620/x2P
Solid ammo2d12x3P
ScumStopper ammo2d1219-20/x2P
9mm submachine gunAMedium2d6x3P5030S,B
ScumStopper ammo2d8x3P
5.56mm assault rifleALarge2d8x3P10030S,B
ScumStopper ammo2d10x3P
7.62mm battle rifleALarge2d10x3P12530S,B
ScumStopper ammo2d12x3P
.303 vintage rifleSLarge2d10x3P1255S
.458 winchester rifleSLarge2d12x3P805S
.458 ModernALarge2d12x3P1005S
Depleted Uranium ammo2d20x3P
ScumStopper ammo2d20x3P
.50 sniper rifleALarge4d6x3P2005S
Depleted Uranium ammo6d6x3P
5.56mm minigunALarge6d6x3P10060F
Depleted Uranium ammo8d6x3P
ScumStopper ammo8d6x3P
7.62mm minigunALarge8d6x3P10040F
Depleted Uranium ammo10d6x3P
ScumStopper ammo10d6x3P
20mm grenade launcherAMedium5d6Explosive756S
20mm under-barrel GLASmall5d6Explosive751S
Laser carbineALarge2d12x3P20010S
Rocket propelled grenade launcherALarge10d6Explosive1001S

Prof: What weapon proficiency to be used when firing the weapon.

S Simple
A Advanced

Mag: The amount of shots in the weapon. This doesn't necessarily reflect the amount of bullets in the gun though.
ROF: The rate of fire of the weapon, or how many bullets are fired per pull of the trigger. All rates of fire are listed for the weapon.

S Single shot
B Burst fire
F Fully automatic fire

Any weapon capable of Burst or Fully automatic fire is classified as an automatic weapon.

Depleted Uranium Ammunition:
DU ammunition is specially designed to penetrate armour. When firing this ammunition, half any armour bonuses that a character may have, round down (minimum value 0). In addition, any damage reduction of the target is also halved.

12ga Double-barrelled Shotgun:
This weapon may fire both barrels at the same time (for one action) if aimed at the same target.

Index (2k)