If you're travelling across the USA, or are new to the country, there may be just a couple of things you might need to know about, to get the lay of the land as it where. This then, is just a small summary of the USA today.
Smoking is officially good for you.
Real coffee is illegal and immoral in the USA. Recaf is drunk instead.
Real meat is difficult to get hold off, and virtually impossible outside of the PZs
Death sports aren't that common on real TV, but are on pirate TV.
TV contests that involve injury are common on TV.
Music styles basically consist of Sov Rock or Big Band music. There isn't really much in the way of other styles. There is no Brit Rock, New Wave of Heavy Metal, Nu Metal, industrial rock, rap, hip-hop or the like. Sov Rock is in fact covers of early Elvis and similar style music, but done by Soviet artists. This came about because of the rock riots which killed many of the great and the up and coming musical artists, and now the nations view that rock and most other styles of music is immoral.
Indentureship is common in the Southern States, and this leads to many conflicts between Ops, gangs and indenties.