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Vehicles aren't the only users of passive weapons. Pedestrians have made use of them for a long time now - they're ideal for creating ambushes and doing unto others.
Pedestrians are also vulnerable to passives themselves and running into them can be unhealthy to say the least.

Laying Passives:
Any pedestrian can carry passive weapons (see below for costs). To use them, a pedestrian simply makes a normal shoot or move and shoot action, but instead of firing any guns, a passive counter is placed in the lane that the pedestrian ends up in. If off-road, then the passive counter is aligned with the pedestrians' final position.
Pedestrians do not need to roll to see if the passive was laid correctly.

Once down, the passive is treated as any ordinary passive.

Running through Passives:
Vehicle mounted passive weapons will effect pedestrians stupid enough to run though them. Note that due to pedestrian movement, a pedestrian may find that one movement action isn't enough to get them through the passive contact area. This is okay, a particular passive will only affect the pedestrian once. Once the pedestrian is out of range of the passive, then they are fair game if they come back, but while they in contact with the passive, they may only take damage once.

Napalm Layers:
Any pedestrian running into a napalm passive is in a world of hurt. The pedestrian takes immediate +2 damage, and in addition is now on fire. Treat the pedestrian as if they had been hit by a flame-thrower.

Oil Layers:
Running on oil isn't really, but luckily, oil itself isn't very damaging. A pedestrian on oil must roll 1d6. On a 6, the pedestrian has fallen over and spends the rest of the turn on the ground. The next time the pedestrian moves, they must again roll 1d6. A 6 says that the pedestrian remains where they are and doesn't get up. Any other result means that the pedestrian can move normally. If a pedestrian doesn't want to have the hassle of seeing if they can move on oil, they can crawl. Crawling means that a pedestrian moves 4 cm, cannot use their Running skill and may not combine this with a Fire small arms action.

Pattern Mines:
The sensors of a pattern mine are sensitive enough to pick up pedestrians. If a pedestrian enters a pattern mine section, it will explode causing +3 damage to all pedestrians in the area.

Smoke Layers:
Smoke doesn't cause any damage and can be travelled through with no problems.

Spike Layers:
Spikes can effect pedestrians who aren't careful. Roll 1d6 whenever the pedestrian finds themselves on spikes. On a 6, the pedestrian wasn't careful enough and takes +0 damage.

Buying Passives:
Pedestrians buy passives in single shot loads, which makes them a lot cheaper than buying complete vehicle reloads. Each single shot is a single passive counter. The weights on the Encumbrance table are for a single load. The following are costs for available passives, in single shots.

Note that smoke and napalm passives are not included here. Smoke passive are available as smoke grenades, while napalm is too dangerous to be carried by pedestrians - even if they are psychos.

    Passive TypeOne Shot Cost
    Pattern Mines$250

Index (2k)